One of the biggest mistakes we make as leaders is the assumption that once God raises us up to be leaders...that He places a badge on our chests and says " Okay, I've made you one of my leaders, go and lead however you think is best and I've got your back!"  Unfortunately, this really isn't the case. God doesn't raise up leaders because He needs our help in figuring out how to reach lost souls, or how to make Him sound and look more appealing to the community, or that He needs our help in deciding what is now right or wrong. No, He frankly doesn't need our suggestions on how to run His kingdom. He raises up leaders because He believes that we will carry out His laws, His standards, share His opinions, and MANAGE HIS BUSINESS. Not be about our own business. 
        We get confused and believe that just because God has chosen us to be leaders that somehow we can just do what we think is best and He's good with it. This is so very dangerous in the kingdom.  Let's think about it for a minute....how many times do we use scripture to back up the choices that we make?  Why is that important? Because...we need to make sure that whatever we are doing is within God's will. God will NEVER contradict His Word or His Character. So we need to make certain that the things that we plan and the standards we put into place fit within His design. Beware that just because something "sounds Godly" doesn't mean that it is. 
         We don't like to think that we have to worry about such things in our churches or ministries...that as long as we are doing them for His glory then it's okay and God is pleased with it. BUT...just because we try to give Him the glory for something, doesn't mean that He is accepting it if it's not what He wanted and we are being disobedient and doing things our own way.  This is a good way for the enemy to sneak in and get a foothold in the ministry...We always picture Satan standing out in the World with flashing lights and a big neon sign that says "I'm Satan...reject God and Follow Me" but the truth is the enemy isn't really out there wasting his time on the lost...he's inside our churches tricking the sheep who don't know the Shepherds voice from the enemy's.  We MUST know our Shepherd's voice and we must know His Word in order to have discernment in the things of God.
        If we as leaders don't form our OPINIONS on the Word of God and His Character...then we are in for some very rough lessons. God really isn't interested with our opinions. God isn't interested in us sharing our opinions with other people unless they are His opinions. This is our RESPONSIBILITY leaders! It's simply not about us. As tough as that is to hear and learn (trust me I know), it's the solid TRUTH. It's ALL ABOUT HIM.  
        The danger begins with our opinions which form our beliefs which form our convictions. If we base our opinions on untruths (let's face it...if it's an untruth, then it is a lie) then we begin to base our beliefs on untruths...this is terribly dangerous..not only for us who want to walk in the TRUTH and please God but also for those who we are leading and instructing in UNTRUTH.  See the thing about God is...TRUTH IS ALWAYS Part of His Plan. ALWAYS.  
        Basing our beliefs on untruths then become stumbling blocks for us and those around us. This is unacceptable we know this if we've read the Bible. As leaders we shouldn't be placing stumbling blocks infront of others but also as leaders we cannot stand by and watch as others are stumbling over their belief in untruths and not say anything either. As leaders, our job is not to sit around and hold everyone's hand and make them feel good where they are at, it is our job to take them by the hand and lead them into the next level with Jesus. And alot of times that means helping them to see and get over the stumbling block in their way. 
       It Is dangerous for us to have the mentality that I'm the Leader...my way or the highway!  If it is God's standards that are in place...can be backed up with Scripture and supported by God's Character...then that theory works. But if it is our own standards that are in place and not God's...then we have the unfortunate task of having to stand on our own two feet and try to convince everyone why we're right on the issue and sadly, God does not have our back. He can't. Because it's not about what we want for the Kingdom but what He wants for the Kingdom.  So if someone leaves our ministry or church most likely that God brought them to in the first place, because they weren't willing to agree or obey OUR standards not God's standards but OURS.....does this really please God? Do you want to face Him someday and answer why? Because we all will stand before Him and give Him an account. And I don't think the answer.."well God, you made me the leader" is gonna cut it do you? 

* Ps. Remember...Putting God's standards of Christianity in    place and enforcing them...is                                                                                                   RIGHT.
                             Putting OUR standards of Christianity in place and enforcing them....is                                                                                                  Legalism.
 God doesn't need us to come up with new ways to do things, He just wants us to do what He needs us to do...which is live and teach His ways. :) Guard your opinions carefully...they will make or break you...
