Great is the Reward!

     Our greatest joy as leaders is watching those we've invested in...achieve. There is nothing more exciting to me than watching people grow in their relationship with God, in their giftings and abilities, in overcoming their fears, in discovering that they CAN do things that they never thought were possible. Leadership has so many rewards.

    We must remember that as leaders, it is our job to help people develop. It isn't about standing in front of them and telling them what you think they should be doing with their lives, but instead encouraging them to seek God for His direction and purpose for their lives. It's seeing their potential and guiding and directing them in it. It doesn't mean that you have to be an expert in their giftings in order to help them grow in them. It's about helping them keep the right focus in the center of all of their gifts and talents. Helping them to remember that everything is to be done for God's glory and keeping them accountable as their leader, to make sure they aren't getting off track.

       God uses us leaders as a very important role in the lives of His children. We must take it very seriously. As leaders we have the ability to make or break people. It's that serious. People look to us for direction and guidance. They look to us for help and encouragement. They look to us for answers and they always look to us as their example. Good leaders and bad leaders have this very much in common...we both lead. We either lead people to God or we lead them away from Him. That is why it is so important that we continually seek God's guidance on behalf of every individual that we guide. I do not know the plans that God has for the people that I lead, I can see their giftings, their interests, and their potential but I do not know the design or the timing that God has in place for them. So I must seek Him before I can lead them. Their life isn't up to me but I must give God my best in leading them.

      If we do not tell them...they won't know. Sometimes leaders have a real fear in correcting those they lead. WHY? This has never been Jesus' example to us. Jesus didn't just let the disciples do whatever they thought was best...He guided them, He showed them, and when they did something wrong...He corrected them. Because that's what good leaders do. We have to love them enough to correct them when they get of course. Good leaders understand that allowing them to continue to be disobedient in the things of God will hurt them and others. God expects us to lead them, it's not's our job.   We have all done things wrong. We've all hurt people. We can never force someone to be obedient but we can stand firm on what God says and set the Truth before us and them.

      Sometimes people are afraid to move forward. We get very comfortable in our relationship with God, in our ministries, in our friendship circles, in our routines. But God requires growth from His children CONSISTENTLY, and growth means things should always be changing for a believer. We cannot stay where we are in our relationship with God, there's way too much more to learn and experience with Him. These are usually subtle changes as we grow but there are times where God requires us to take some big steps. This is where people need leaders the most! We are their coaches, we are their cheerleaders, we are the voice of encouragement to step out in faith. Sometimes as leaders, God uses us as the PUSH that they need. If we sense that God is wanting to stretch an individual outside of their comfort zone, then we need to provide those opportunities for them to be stretched. There is a great deal of timing involved when it comes to growth and it is very important to seek God about His timing. If we push someone too prematurely, we can do much more damage than we ever realize, even to the point of them walking away from what God wants. If we never push them when we were supposed to out of fear of making them uncomfortable, then they may never accomplish what God wants. Remember, it's not about us or what we think as leaders, it's about finding out how and when God wants to use us in their lives and being obedient when the time comes.

      We have a great responsibility as leaders and an amazing opportunity to be involved in life changing events in someone else's life. Front row seats to greatness. Most of the people we have the privilege of leading and influencing will go on to do greater things than we have...and isn't that amazing? How awesome is it to see someone doing great things for the Kingdom of God and you get to say... I got to be a part of God's plan for their life. How blessed we are leaders! Don't miss the opportunity to be God's sharpening tool in someone's life.
