So...You like to Micromanage?

    So this is an area that I personally believe every leader struggles with at least sometime in ministry, the struggle of micromanaging. As leaders we all really do want to do our very best in our ministries, our churches, in our job of leading people well. We set our goals and our plans and we usually imagine for the most part, what that plan acted out is going to look like. AND THEN... we do what any good leader does and INVOLVE OTHER PEOPLE, and what follows can become our downfall.

    At first we feel good about ourselves because we are helping people to get involved in the Kingdom of God, we might even pat ourselves on the back a little as we watch them start to grow more in ministry and as their faith starts getting strengthened, we think "yep, there it is... I'm doing a great job leading these people."

But what happens when all of a sudden, the plan that you had, the plan you've dreamed about and analayzed, starts to take on a different personality? a different style? It may still be the same "plan" persay but it's a little less you, and a little more them shining through this plan. What do you do?

                         First, let's talk about the REALITY of what's going on shall we?

The first thing we have to consider is: WAS THIS GOD'S PLAN FOR MY MINISTRY OR WAS                                                                       IT MY OWN WILL IN MY MINISTRY?

Let's be honest, it's much easier to keep our minds focused and our hearts calm if we know we are doing the will of the Father. It's His peace that guides us when things aren't going exactly as we plan and yet we don't panic because we know that God is working HIS PLAN.  However, if it is a plan that we dreamed up all on our own because we think that God is cool with us doing whatever we want to do in the Kingdom, it's really easy to hit panic mode when things don't start turning out the way we planned. why? because we don't want to fail. ever. and if it's based on our own doing, chances are it will.

I have seen time and time again, leaders plan activities, big events, small events, ministries, and they fail, sometimes monumentally. See God doesn't bless OUR plans...He blesses those ministries when they are a part of HIS plan. So first things first: If you want to succeed, make sure it's God's idea and not your own.

The second thing we need to consider is: DO YOU BELIEVE THAT GOD WANTS TO USE                                                                     OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR MINISTRY ...TO LEAD?

This is a tough question because we all believe that God wants to use people in our ministries...that's kind of a given isn't it? That's not really the issue that most leaders have a problem with, what we sometimes struggle with is giving up our control to allow God to use other people to lead. That's where it gets tricky. None of us want to admit that we really want the spotlight in our ministries and our churches right? We enjoy taking credit for the amazing things that God is doing in our ministries and churches because we really want to lead well and that means success stories.

BUT... what are we missing? The answer to this is: A LOT. The beautiful thing about doing things God's way is that we start seeing how the Body of Christ is actually supposed to function. Not how we think it does but how it's designed to. God uses people always. We are guilty so many times of putting God and the Body of Christ in a box. A very small box. A box the size of the four walls of our churches. We live and act and lead as if the entire Body of Christ resides within our building.

What a false way of thinking isn't it? We forget to look at things through God's eyes and really see the bigger picture...the bigger plan. If we started seeing things God's way, our ministries and churches would be functioning at full capacity. Meaning, that people would be doing ministry because God is in control of His body. There are standards that God puts into place for those that lead, and lots of people are placed in positions of ministry or leadership that do not meet those standards and that ALWAYS aids in things not working out because that's Not part of God's plan. But God never calls only ONE person or TWO people to lead and do all the kingdom work.

It's unfortunate that some leaders believe that God will ONLY share His vision with them, so no one else can hear from God within that church or ministry and know the heart of God for that church. This is also false thinking because no where in Scripture does it give that impression. No leader that did great things for God in the Bible...ever did it by themselves. They may be the example that is talked about but if you read any of their stories, you'll see the team of leaders (because God works in unity not individuality) alongside the example leader, pushing the vision forward, and raising the example leader up to do great things.

You cannot achieve greatness if you stop others from leading. It's not about's about Him and How He chooses to use others in the Body of Christ.

The third thing to realize is: What causes my fear when I feel like I am losing control of the                                                                                       situation?

First of all, remember this only happens when you've went ahead with your own plan instead of following God's prompting because if God is in control of the plan, you aren't. So you never feel out of control because you realize you never had the control in the first place,

But..putting that aside let's talk about this feeling of fear. Fear of what exactly? What are we afraid of in leadership? Are you afraid that if something isn't done exactly how you pictured it, that ultimately it means that you've failed? Does it mean that you are incapable of leading a ministry, of leading your what? What are you leading your ministry or your church in exactly? What is all this ministry business for anyway? So what exactly are you failing at?

Wow, that's a heavy load to carry on our shoulders isn't it? But what an excellent question to ask ourselves EVERY day when we wake up in the morning..."What purpose am I doing all of this
leading for?"

So this all boils down to ONE SIMPLE TRUTH:  We have to learn to LET GO.

1. Let go of our "Leader" pride.  - It's not all about us.
2. Let go of our assumption that we are the only ones that knows what God is up to.
3. Let go of our "idea" of what God's plan will look like. - We simply don't know.
4. Let go of our need to control how God plans to use others. - If it fits within His Word and His character...then leave people alone and let God use them how He chooses. We are leaders to help guide people to hear God's voice and respond to His call... not control them in the Kingdom.
5. Let go of our fear of failure. - It is inevitable for us AND it is inevitable for those we lead...this is what causes growth. So take risks and learn from your failures. If God is the one in control of your church/ministry then the people are in good hands. You can't save your people from the opportunities for growth that God provides for them... we all have to learn. Allow your people to fail. You may know that something probably won't work or what the possible outcome might be, but unless it will harm the kingdom or damage the person, don't step in and micromanage and take their opportunity away. God is big enough to handle it. Be in prayer for God's will in the situation before you rush to the rescue. He may tell you to step in or He may tell you to back off.
6. Let go of our assumption that we are in control of anything...we really aren't.

We have a responsibility as leaders to NOT micromanage our people. We can hinder someone in ministry without even realizing it because we are too caught up with "our" ideas of how God's plan is supposed to go. Micromanaging is not a little thing, it's a big thing.
              It's the kind of thing that causes people to leave our churches/ministries because they never feel like they are "good enough" to do what God is calling them to do. It's the kind of thing that cause people to not want to get involved in our churches/ministries because they constantly see us as leaders hand out responsibilities and then take them back. This does not inspire trust between us and our people. If no one can ever live up to "our" standards then others aren't ever going to want to try. *remember I said "OUR" standards...not God's...God's standards of ministry should always be enforced but OUR "ideas" and "preferences" of how we "think" their ministry should be done is wrong. 

Remember that God made us all different. Individuals. He gave us different giftings, and talents, and personalities. Some people are able to connect with others in ways that other people can't. And this is what makes the Body of Christ absolutely beautiful. God lays a firm foundation for representing Him to the world, but there are a million ways to go about it. Don't be afraid of someone loving Jesus and ministering to others in a way that is "different" than you. If it doesn't go against God's Word or His character then it is the unique way that God is CHOOSING to use one of His children in ministry. Don't get in the way of God using someone else just because it's not your style. Imagine as a leader... if you were constantly told by someone else "how you must do something that God is calling you to do but you must do it in the way that person would do it"...kinda steals the joy out of it doesn't it? Don't steal someone's joy by forcing them to do everything just like you would do...they are not you. They will become like you in a lot of ways, but they NEED to do things the way they were CREATED to do them. 

So next time you begin to feel the need to step back in and take control of someone elses' ministry... take a step back, breathe in deep, and ask God... "Is this a part of YOUR plan?" and either let the peace of God flow in your heart knowing that He is in control and He will guide your steps in leading this individual OR follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit to step in and HELP the individual get back on track with God's plan for THEIR life and HIS MINISTRY.

Making room for other people to do great things for God does not make YOU a failure... it makes you a Wonderful Leader and Faithful Servant to the ONE who is REALLY running the show. ;)

May God give you grace in this journey of Leadership.
