This is probably one of the biggest tests out there for leaders. The test of power and position. As leaders it is ingrained in us to lead. We want the title of leader, we want the position that raises us up for the people to see, and we want the control to do what we think needs done. Now in and of themselves there really is nothing wrong with any of these things and as leaders we end up with all of these things BUT...the difference between these things being good or bad is when and where they are being done.  Leadership really isn't in high demand's everywhere. Pretty much anyone can be a leader these days. It's no big deal. The standard of leadership and i'm primarily referring within the church, is incredibly low.
      This makes it difficult for those who are truly called into leadership because it's too easy to snag a position. The offer of Power and Position are literally everywhere. The difference between a wise leader and a poor leader is that a wise leader knows when and where not to accept the positions. A poor leader will look at it as an opportunity to lead but will fail to see the dangers within the position. Taking a position of leadership that is not where God wants you can lead you in not only hurting the people you are leading but also hurting your own ministry in the process.
       Beware of leaders who offer leadership positions to a lot of people. Not that God hasn't called a lot of people to be leaders but remember that God does set a pretty high standard for His leaders and for those who do ministry in His name. (don't like that? tough. it's all throughout the New Testament) God cares about leadership, God cares about those of us who are out there representing Him in our ministries. He takes it very seriously, and if you have a leader that is handing out leadership positions left and right to people who are not in alignment with what God says is suitable for ministry, then most likely THAT leader is not about His Father's business either.
     Beware of insecure leaders. Insecure leaders are the most dangerous and deadly to you and your ministry. Why? Because really insecure leaders have that insecurity at the core of who they are. We all have insecurities, but if that insecurity is at the core of who you are then you have a real and dangerous problem. Insecurity is the most selfish thing we can do because insecurity is ALL about if insecurity is at the core of a leader then EVERY decision that they make is influenced by that insecurity. Insecure leaders don't give AWAY power and position. They GIVE OUT power and position but know that they are ultimately in control of what's going on...they have to be. Young leaders or unseasoned leaders often make this mistake when it comes to their leadership, they don't always realize that not every position of leadership is an open door and a blessing from God. 
     God is ALWAYS faithful, and He will turn all things for good for those who love Him. Just because we might make a mistake early in our leadership and we head down a road with a good heart and good intentions to serve God in ministry but we fail to realize that God may want us heading down a different direction...He is still merciful and He is still faithful. We can still make it through to the other side still standing and He can turn it into a wonderful lesson in leadership that will make us a better leader. I do believe that EVERY leader does have to go through this journey at least once...I believe that is the leader's "Refining Fire" that God uses to make us stronger. But I also believe that it is not something that we have to go through over and over and over again. As leaders we have to understand that we MUST seek Him in EVERY decision that we make. When we are offered power and position...we MUST know that it is God who is offering it and not man.  God's positions are so much better!
