The problem comes when we become so focused on the nurturing part that we forget about the fact that we are supposed to be there to disciple. We must help people learn how to "push through" life's difficulties and walk in the victory that God has given us as His Children. Sometimes we focus so much on the "struggle" of an individual instead of their "choice" to walk in freedom.
Let me break that down a little bit more: We ALL make mistakes, have fleshly desires, and things that we struggle with. We ALL make choices. I'm not sure where in the Bible it talks about how much we struggle to get out of our sin once we know Christ? I can't find any scriptures that normalize the ongoing struggle with the same sin if we want to be free? *please feel free to message me with some if you find any However, there ARE so many verses on how Jesus sets us free from those sins. How His Grace is sufficient for ALL our needs. He healed people, performed miracles, and set people free...RIGHT ON THE SPOT! I'm afraid that maybe we've been over eager to adopt the "12 step program of being set free" in our ministries today. This is a great program and plan for the World but as Children of God, it's misleading to think that through Christ we "might not be able to do anything"... I mean, right?
I really believe that our problem isn't that we don't believe that Jesus can set us free from whatever binds us, instantly... I don't believe our problem is a lack of faith. I think the real problem facing us is the desire to be holy.
Let me break it down a little bit more, I know this might be sounding a little harsh, but I think it's really about perspective.
As Children of God, we have exactly 2 choices everyday: 1. Serve God and be obedient 2. Don't It's actually that simple. We wish it wasn't because we'd like a way around it but it's the Truth. We must "choose this day whom you will serve". It doesn't really matter what growth stages we are at with the Lord, whether new believer or believer for 60 years... we ALL face the same choice every day.
What would happen if we as leaders, helped our people understand the importance of this decision more than sympathizing with their struggle to sin?
I don't mean that we become uncaring or cold towards their hurt, but what I am saying is that somewhere in the midst of the problem of struggling with sin, we need to start laying out the basics of our own responsibility in wanting to CHOOSE Jesus OVER our sin.
I have witnessed countless times, Pastors and leaders tell individuals that "God understands you don't have time to read your Bible, He knows you're busy. Just try." or "I'm a pastor and I sin daily...", or my least favorite, "No one is perfect...". Tell me, where is the power of the cross represented in any of those statements? Now, some of those statements may have elements of truth in them, but the problem comes when those statements become the focal point of our counsel. I have not only witnessed this, I have made this mistake of focusing more on the individuals struggle than the discipleship of helping them overcome it and yes pushing them to make up their minds. They are already making the choices... they have the power to choose who they will serve.
I think if we are honest, we would all probably admit to being guilty of this approach at some point in our ministry. When I look back at my own struggles in my walk with Christ, I noticed I had a pattern of being more concerned about how much other people cared about me over how much I should care about God. Granted, I was young and thankfully grew out of that stage, however, I recognize the same pattern in a lot of adults today.
I believe that our main job as leaders is to provide opportunity and encouragement for individuals to dig deep and get serious about their relationship with God. And we cannot do that if we are also constantly focusing on their struggle instead of the solution, which is always a choice to love God more than the struggle.
It can start with the baby steps in any situation:
1. Read and Pray
2. Get to know your Savior
3. Walk in Grace that makes your Spirit stronger than your flesh.
4. Walk in freedom.
That is the power of the Cross.
That is what we should be preaching
That is how our people should be living
If we want to see revival. If we want to see people walk in freedom. If we want God to heal us, heal our land, set us free... then we MUST get serious about our CHOICES when it comes to loving God or living in bondage. We must TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS. God tells us to turn, not gradually step. We must CHOOSE to be obedient. We can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives us strength right? His GRACE is sufficient... Turn and live!
Praying for you fellow leaders, fight the good fight, and be blessed as you lead people to freedom through the ONE who is the Author and Perfecter of our Faith. - darby
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