Quick Thought....

        Leaders, if there's one thing we all know: There are MANY people out there who can be easily swayed one way or another right? There are wolves out there preying on the weak, and taking advantage of someone's lack of Biblical knowledge is one of the easiest ways to do that. As leaders, our hearts ache as we watch the vulnerable people we love and care for, fall for the lies of the Enemy over and over again. I believe that THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we can ever teach someone is to be serious about their relationship with Jesus and get to know Him and His Word on their own. To NOT depend on us or anyone else to teach them Who He is. They NEED that independent relationship with Jesus. Of course, we will be there to impart what we know, encourage, rebuke, correct, ect. but THEY need to take Him seriously. It is more evident today in this day and age that people whole heartedly believe whatever they want about God. And it has led people into a relationship with a "different" Jesus than the One of the Bible yes? This should fuel our fire leaders, to help course correct the people God has brought into our lives to lead. Following a "different" Jesus is NEVER going to lead someone to where the REAL Jesus lives yes? It's time to be bold. We must teach people how to be solid in their faith. Solid in their relationship with Jesus. We must show them that being wishy washy in their knowledge of Jesus, will lead to destruction not life...... and not eternal life in Heaven. "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming." Eph 4:14 Leaders, the time has never been more dire for us to step in to the lives of the most vulnerable in their faith and lead them to the real Jesus. Truth WILL offend the lies they believe. Truth WILL offend the lifestyles they have chosen. Truth WILL offend their laziness in their walk with God. But leaders, the TRUTH is the ONLY thing that WILL SET THEM FREE. Leaders, it's time to toughen up and LEAD!
