Follow Me... into a corner.


Ah leaders, we are living in the day and age where the words we've read in the Bible about End Times are now jumping off the page and playing out right in front of us aren't they? We are living in the days where God starts separating those who are His and those who are only pretending to be. Which one are you? Which ones are those you lead?

     Tough questions? Tough times.

    It is so important leaders that we are no longer afraid to speak the Truth of Who God is and exactly what His Word says. It's time we are no longer intimidated by the bullies in our churches/ministries. (Yes that's a fact and also our faults frankly that they rule and reign) It's time we stop running God's House like a business and get back to what He created the "Church" to be. We've strayed so far away from His heart and if you can't see that... that's problem #1. Get back to Jesus!! No, folks aren't gonna like it. The Board? (we created that) is gonna possibly flip out. The folks dropping big bucks in the offering plate (or offering "envelope" so you know who's paying (we created that) and who are living in sin the rest of the week all while telling you how to run God's House, yeah... they're probably gonna be furious...... oh well? 

    The time is now leaders, it's time to buck up and stop riding the coat tails of all the regulations made up by the "church" all your life and get BACK to Who God is and what HE DESIRES for His Church... the REAL Church.

     God is not honored by us simply obeying the rules and following what others before us have done. God is honored when we obey HIM. When we pursue His heart. When we teach His ways. When we show and teach others to love and obey Him with their lives.

     "Christians" are cowering today in the face of evil. "Christians" are bowing down to the same fleshly idols and demons that have been around since the beginning of time. "Christians" today are living "thinking" they know the One True God.... and they don't. Because we're too busy "playing Church". Making up stupid rules and regulations and UNBIBLICAL traditions... that determine how God can move in our ministries. We're too busy embracing sin and telling people that because God loves us, it doesn't really matter what we do or how we live, we don't REALLY have to surrender to Him or REALLY love Him. "Christians" today...are on their way to Hell... and they're heading there... through the doors of our "churches". 

     I know this is a harsh post. So is Hell. So is God's judgement. You are leaders in the Kingdom, so I believe you can take it. Because if you know God at all... then you know what I'm saying is right. It may not be in your church or ministry, we are not all in the same boat, we have not all missed the mark of living for Jesus and honoring Him in the ministries He has called us to. The BODY of CHRIST is ALIVE AND WELL and STRONGER THAN EVER... moving in ONE direction, led by the Holy Spirit, BOLDLY proclaiming Jesus in Truth.... but that doesn't mean our current version of the "Church" is actually a part of the Body of Christ. And I know that those of you who love Jesus with all your heart and KNOW the working of the Holy Spirit, understand exactly what I'm saying... you've looked around, you've felt it too. 

      God designed His Church to be the Body of Christ, working and doing and being what He calls us to be. Lost people, found Jesus BECAUSE of the CHURCH... and through the Church, they came to KNOW GOD and became a part of the Body of Christ. Right? But today, we tell people, "You don't even have to believe in God to attend our church, get involved in ministering (ministering what exactly?) to other people, come be a part of the Body of Christ"....... No. That's not how it works. Ever.

      I'm not saying lost people can't attend church. But there's a big difference between reaching the lost to introduce them to Jesus so that HE can save them, and "reaching" the lost because YOU want to fill up more seats or because YOU need a guitar player on the worship team, or YOU need more workers so YOU can do more "ministry".

     God knows our hearts and no matter how we come up with ways to justify our actions with spiritual sounding words... Truth is still Truth.

We are known by our fruit.

    It's cowardly to just "go with the flow" of what you've always known IF what you've always been taught is NOT God's heart. It's cowardly to be afraid of upsetting people that you care about who are doing wicked things. Who are holding hands with demons. Who are bound by sin and are heading down  a path that will lead them to Hell. It's cowardly to not preach hard things because you're worried people will stop putting money in the plate. *IF you are honoring God with HIS ministry... then HE WILL PROVIDE for you and HIS CHURCH and HIS MINISTRIES and HIS PEOPLE. He will lay it on the people's hearts to give. He is more than capable...yes??? But of course, that is ONLY if you are abiding by His will and not your own. Scary but True. 

    The Kingdom of God needs you Brothers and Sisters. God is separating us. It's time to decide exactly who you are. The more wicked this world gets, the more opposition you will face. If you can't handle what going on within your own people, you don't stand a chance with what's coming.

    So stand up leaders, wipe yourself off, and put on your armor. Be bold. Be strong. Be brave. People's souls depend on your willingness to follow Jesus with everything you have, or they will suffer because of your inability and unwillingness to lead.

     I believe in you because God has already given you everything you need to do it. The choice is completely up to you. I pray we all choose well. 
